The Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University established the “Center of Ambitious Research and Education for Nuclear Safety” as a base for advancing nuclear safety research and education.
The Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University established the “Center of Ambitious Research and Education for Nuclear Safety” as a base for advancing nuclear safety research and education.
Toward the realization of a sustainable society, the use and promotion of nuclear energy without the emission of greenhouse gases is being promoted. However, in order for nuclear energy to be trusted and accepted by many people, it is necessary to establish nuclear safety technology with even higher safety and to be in harmony with the environment. To that end, it is required to further promote research and development, and secure excellent human resources.
Therefore, on October 1, the Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University established the “Center of Ambitious Research and Education for Nuclear Safety” as a base for advancing nuclear safety research and education. Nuclear engineering is a comprehensive engineering that requires high technology in a wide range of research fields. This center will promote cooperation not only with the university but also with private companies, universities, and research institutions in Japan and overseas, and will contribute to accelerating joint research in the nuclear field.
We train excellent engineers and researchers in the field of nuclear engineering in addition to development advanced nuclear safety technologies for the future society with supporting students of universities as well as promoting the acceptance of domestic and foreign researchers.
KOZAKI Tamotsua
Professor, Division of Applied Quantum Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
TEL: +81 11-706-6687 FAX: +81 11-706-6688 Email: kozaki@eng.hokudai.ac.jp
Vice-Director, Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
TEL: +81 11-706-7834 FAX: +81 11-706-7834 Email: nakashima.hiroshi@eng.hokudai.ac.jp