The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) International Nuclear Human Resource Development Initiative Project is organizing a “Consortium for Advanced Nuclear Education Consortium for the Future Society” consisting of universities, technical colleges, and research institutes in Japan.
The consortium consists of universities, technical colleges, research institutes, and other organizations in Japan, and conducts a large number of experiments and practical training in nuclear engineering.
Within ANEC, Tokai University has established a power reactor simulator for the purpose of learning the behavior of nuclear power reactor plants during accidents.
The purpose of the practical training is to learn the behavior of nuclear power plants in the event of an accident, using the SARS nuclear reactor simulator. University and graduate students who are interested in nuclear power generation are invited to participate.
We are looking for university and graduate school students who are interested in nuclear power generation to participate.
Please note that the training may be conducted online, depending on the status of COVID-19 infection.
Date and Time
Monday, August 28 – Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Tokai University Shonan Campus Reactor Simulator Room, 2nd Floor, 1st Experiment & Training Bldg.
About 10 people (first-come-first-served basis)
8/28 (Mon) 9:00 Lecture: Structure and function of nuclear power plant PWR/BWR
Overview and functions of the reactor simulator SARS
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Practical training: SARS operation
PWR Accident Analysis
Discussion of PWR analysis results
17:00 End
8/29 (Tue) 9:00 Practice: Accident Analysis of BWR
Discussion of BWR analysis results
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Lecture: Examples of accidents in power reactors and responses
16:00 End
Travel expenses
Travel expenses will be paid in accordance with Tokai University’s Student Travel Expense Regulations.
Please make your own arrangements for lodging at a nearby hotel.
Students and graduate students acquiring basic knowledge of nuclear power.
If you wish to participate, please send your name, affiliation, grade, and contact information to Takanori Kameyama, International Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai University
Please send an e-mail to kame@tokai-u.jp.
Until August 5, 2023 (Sat.)