Goal and Overview
The fields of materials science, life science, nuclear physics, particle physics, industrial applications, cancer treatment, and pharmacy, among others, utilize quantum beams such as neutron beams for research purposes. Among these, non-destructive element analysis experiments using neutron activation and gamma-ray spectrometry are used for valuable samples, such as sandstones brought back from asteroids by space probes and ancient cultural assets.
In this practical training, participants will experience element analysis experiments using neutron activation and gamma-ray spectrometry at Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Engineering Research Institute’s electron linear accelerator-driven pulse neutron experimental facility, “HUNS,” which offers on-demand academic research, industry-academic collaboration, and international joint research in a wide range of fields such as material research, food research, cultural asset research, and cosmic ray-resistant semiconductor research. The program is designed to be very basic and suitable for beginners, but also offers valuable experiences for more advanced learners, including exposure to a different environment and people, radiation laboratory training, spectrum analysis, additional experiments based on the students’ free ideas, and presentations.

August 28 (Mon) to September 1 (Fri), 2023
Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
Hokkaido University electron LINAC
Kita-13 Nishi-8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan
Education and training on radiation facilities
• Introduction and tour of Hokkaido University’s electron linear accelerator and neutron experimental facilities
• Introduction to quantum beam/neutron science
• Introduction to accelerator/neutron beam source/neutron beam engineering
• Introduction to neutron activation analysis
• Neutron activation experiments using Hokkaido University’s electron linear accelerator-driven neutron source “HUNS”
• Gamma-ray energy spectrum measurement using a NaI scintillation-type gamma-ray spectrometer
• Energy calibration experiment of the spectrometer
• Energy resolution evaluation experiment of the spectrometer
• Gamma-ray background
• Gamma-ray spectrum measurement from neutron-activated samples
• Identification and quantification of elements and nuclides
• Estimation of neutron beam flux at the sample irradiation position
• Proposal and implementation of experiments based on students’ free ideas • Small group presentations (including theme setting, additional experiments, investigations, presentation preparation, and discussions with instructors and TAs)
• For those who are registered as radiation workers, there is no need for prior preparation.
• Participants must bring an application form for registration as a non-resident radiation worker and a personal dosimeter such as a glass badge. For details on bringing an application for registration as a non-resident radiation worker and personal dosimeter, please see the “Experiment Application” page on the Hokkaido University LINAC website.
Capacity and Notes:
Around 10 people
※ Travel expenses will be provided to technical college, undergraduate, and graduate students.
※ Working professionals may also apply, but travel expenses will not be provided.
※ Participants must be registered as radiation workers in their respective organizations. In addition, participants must apply for registration as a non-resident radiation worker at Hokkaido University and bring personal dosimeters such as glass badges.
※ As it is an experiment, wearing clothes such as shorts or skirts that expose bare skin during the experiment is not recommended.
Application period:
Deadline: July 31st (Mon), 2023
*Please note that applications will close once the maximum capacity is reached.
*Please apply for participation in this event using the form provided here.
【Deadline for all students except for students of Hokkaido University】
Application form for participation
If you have any questions or concerns,
Contact: ANEC Office, Hokkaido University
(Graduate School of Engineering, Center of Ambitious Research and Education in Nuclear Safety)
Email: anecoffice@eng.hokudai.ac.jp.